
Event: KMMC 2nd Annual Sunshine Classic 3v3 Basketball Tournament

KMMC 2nd Annual Sunshine Classic 3v3 Basketball Tournament

What is the KMMC Sunshine Classic 3v3 Tournament?
The tournament is an annual 3v3 basketball fundraising tournament organized by our young club members. All proceeds from the tournament will be used to purchase uniforms, equipment and services so the kids at Mary Cariola Children’s Center (MCCC) can enjoy the game of basketball, too.

When and where will the tournament be held?
Current plans are to have the tournament on Saturday, September 9, 2017.  Additional dates may be added based on number of participants.  All games will be held on the KMMC home court at 15 Pond Valley Circle in Penfield.

Where did the name Sunshine Classic come from?
The tournament was conceived by club member Aiden Pellow in August of 2016. The club is a perennial sponsor and participant of MCCC’s Walking on Sunshine fundraiser held every year on the last Sunday of September.  In 2016 the walk moved from Ontario Park to Penfield’s Veterans Memorial Park.  With the construction of the KMMC basketball court in August and the move of the walk to Penfield, what better way to support the kids at MCCC than to have a fundraising tournament while playing the game they love.  Walking on Sunshine – Sunshine Classic.

Who can participate?
The tournament is held in cooperation with Penfield Youth Basketball.  PYB coaches and volunteers help select teams, referee games, volunteer at the event.  Therefore, preference is given to PYB players.  Given it was the first year and late planning, last year’s age groups were limited to 6th and 7th graders.  This year the tournament will be open to PYB boys and girls entering 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Non-PYB players are welcome assuming space is limited.  Kids sign up as individuals and are assigned to a team.  To make it fair to all, coaches form teams.

What is the tournament fee?
The fees will be based on tournament packages – tournament, only; tournament plus two shooting contests, tournament plus four shooting contests.  The tournament organizers have not finished their packages.  But the most expensive package will not exceed $25.

How do I add my son/daughter to the list?
A full registration form will be available once the tournament organizing team has finalized their tournament packages.  In the meantime, please email them at  with your son’s/daughter’s name, grade going into 2017-2018 school year and whether they play on a PYB team or plan to do so.

How else can we help?
Donations are greatly appreciated. Individual donations can be made at:

The tournament organizing team is in the process of completing corporate sponsor packages.  If interested, please email them at with a note that you are interested in sponsoring the event.

Thank you!!
Thanks to all the players and their families the 2016 tournament raised $617 for the kids at MCCC.  This year the organizing team has set a goal of $1200 with a stretch goal of $1500.  The stretch goal will be an easy slam dunk; an easy slam dunk with your support through your child’s participation & your donations and sponsorships.  KMCC and MCCC thank you in advance for that support!